This Atlas Grey Turbo was brought back to HQ for a refresh and protection upgrade. The paintwork was in very good order overall and warranted a mild polish to boost gloss levels, whilst simultaneously preparing the surface for durable ceramic coating protection. Last year the wheels and calipers were ceramic coated, whilst the paintwork was sealed with Soft99 Fusso. The protection has worked well overall, but the client stated the paint looked a little flat now, and the easier his wash process could be, the better. So with that in mind, an upgrade this time around was a no-brainer and Pyramid Car Care's 2 year premium coating was a great choice.
Ceramic protection is all about the preparation, so the Porsche was given a really thorough clean and chemical decontamination prior to a comprehensive paintwork inspection. This process enables the detailer to carefully check the paint, panel by panel, to ensure the most appropriate action is taken for the car given it's condition, age, mileage and usage too. The budget usually allows for careful machine polishing to ensure that the maximum gloss is achieved whilst leaving as much valuable clearcoat on the car as possible! My go to with this kind of job is Rupes Uno Pure polishing liquids with Rupes yellow pads via Rupes LHR15 and LHR75 machines. With the curvature of many panels being so pronounced, it's more important than ever to choose the right tool for the job every time. Successful polishing work can only be checked under a variety of light sources, as well as once a thorough degrease has been completed. Degreasing the panels is vital to both seeing genuine panel condition as well as having a squeaky clean surface, ready to accept the protection product of your choice, The Pyramid ceramic product chosen for paint and trim was their two year coating that provides proven resistance to daily dirt, grime and contaminants as well as boosting the gloss and colour depth. It provides a slick surface and makes future maintenance much easier as long as you follow a "little and often" approach. As coatings can take up to 5 days to fully cure, I waxed the coating after an hour with Pyramid's ceramic wax in order to provide a temporary barrier/forcefield for the ceramic so that the client could drive the car home that day, safe in the knowledge that his pride and joy was ready for fast road and track use, looking much fresher than the 911's age and miles suggest. All of this work was completed efficiently within one working day at Auto-Genie HQ so if you're interested in a similar booking for your car, please get in touch using the contact page or my phone number above. Stay shiny S. |